Who is Escape Kitty?

Let me introduce myself. I am Escape Kitty.

I got my start on Sept 1, 2010 as I was out playing in the yard enjoying the birds and squirrels. Really just minding my own business. Happy. Content. Daydreaming.

When, but in an instant, I caught a movement in the corner of my eye. Since cats are noted for their superior vision, I had to do a double take because I thought my eyesight had failed me. I shut my kitty eyes for a moment and reopened them to disbelief.

A coyote? In MY yard? Could it be? And he's drooling my way? Move move move! Find my mom . Run to safety.

Big mistake! Really big mistake. Now she never lets me outside. Done - left to dream. ahhhhh but Kitty dreams really do come true.

So come follow me! I am off to Escape.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Episode #38 Escape Kitty and Chena Thank Dusty Attic by Throwing a Party

Episode #38   Escape Kitty and Chena Thank Dusty Attic by Throwing  a Party
Yep that's right!  Kitty and Chena are throwing a party at the Walkabout Creek Hotel, in McKinlay, Queensland, Australia,  because the kind folks at Dusty Attic let her have the lime light for the month of Feb.  Now everyone knows she pretty much sucked the lime light from Jennifer, BUT that's OK.  

Everyone is invited for the Outback shindig!  Hurry on in because Kitty has ordered up cold bowls of water for all!  Maybe some biscuits too (Chena's idea).  The place looks empty, but in about an hour from now, there's gonna be some partying Dusty style.   Setting out a bowl of chips (chippies) at this party has a whole new meaning with this crowd.  

So thanks to Dusty Attic for opening your forum up to this crazy pair.  I realize you may have had to hold your breath a little bit, uncertain what Kitty was bringing to the table.  But now you know!  Just a cool drink is all.

(phew - she behaved all month.  Now I also can rest easy!)

This was created using the wonderful Scraps Of Darkness Victoriana Kit, the Dusty Attic Chandelier small 2 pk DA0080 for added atmosphere in the hotel bar, and the Dusty Attic Decorative Trim Set DA0435.

I painted this with a base layer of Adirondack paint in Sandal.  Then coated with Glimmer Glam in Mermaid, some platinum stickles for the candles, and a decorative brad from the Scraps Of Darkness kit.

The Scraps of Darkness kits come packed with all kinds of cool embellies and coordinating goodness.  Please check us out.  

The photo was provided by Maryanne Stanford, Oziem.    Thanks a million Maryanne for the inspiration.
Thanks also to Maggi Harding and her wonderful Standard Poodle, Chena, for their collaboration.
Please visit Maggi's blog, Scrap, Travel and Bark.

Thanks Dusty Attic. 

copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Hey Hey I'm Under Surveillance at CSI - Colors Stories and Inspiration

Hey Hey Hey I'm Under Surveillance at CSI - Colors Stories and Inspiration #6.   which means my layout was selected to be under surveillance.  I hope the Royal Australian Navy or any other authorities have the same idea to place Kitty on their watch list!

Kitty earned the coveted badge:

This is Episode #37 Kitty is A Kangaroo Joey?  and it features Kitty snagging a ride in a kangaroo's pouch. 

Here were the colors that Kitty had to use:
Thanks to the kind folks at CSI- Color, Stories and Inspiration for this fun challenge and exciting honor.

Thanks for peeking in.
Copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Escape Kitty Needs YOU!

Escape Kitty needs you to help her with her next adventure.  
She's a little confused right now because she's not really sure where to go from here.  She only knows what she overhears in conversation.  Right now she's in Australia hanging with Chena and the Kangaroos and there isn't a heckova lotta conversation going on if ya know what I mean. 
Lots of hopping and not much choppin. 

Kitty's thinking that Kangaroos cannot multitask - ya know, chat and jump at the same time.  They just must not be wired that way.   

What I'm thinking?  That particular Kangaroo really needs to get to her destination zippity quick because Kitty's endless chatter is driving her nutty.  blah blah blah about a lot of nothing much.   Kitty, give it a rest for the poor Kangaroo's sake.  

I could be wrong though ( eye roll).

SOOOOOOOO, on a hop break, Kitty whipped together this poster to solicit help for her adventures.  She wants ideas and suggestions.   She decided to take an 'Ol Uncle Sam poster - that has no more copyright attachments, to use as her poster.   Kitty is especially sensitive to copyright issues.   

Have you traveled someplace cool?  Do you have a pet that wants to be included in her story?  Do you have an interesting photo that begs for Kitty to check out?  

If you have some ideas and would like to supply some photos of cool places you think Kitty would enjoy, become a Follower of this blog, then contact me.   There is a "contact" button on Kitty's blog. 
There are a few rules.  Yeah, even Kitty live by a code of Feline Honor. 

What makes the best photo? 
The best photos are those that are close up.  Kitty is a small tiny critter.  She needs to be visible in the photo so she can't really use photos that are taken at a distance or those that are of a large scale type place because no one will be able to see her (like a whole photo of a palace or a mountain).  Remember, Kitty has the ego the size of the Taj Mahal so she really likes to remain the focal point of any photo.  Go figure

The Rules:
1.  If you would like have photos considered for future adventure, the photo must have been  taken by you meaning you own the rights to the photo.  It must be of high quality so that it can be edited.  

2.  Follow this blog

3.  Contact Kitty using the "Contact Me"  button near the top right. Please put the Escape Kitty in the title so I know to open them. 

4.  If your photos are selected for a story line,  you must provide written authorization of this.  I'll supply I simple release form for you to sign.  The form must be returned for Kitty to be able to use the photo.  Sorry, but Kitty cannot afford to dabble with copyright issues without the form.  She has no money to pay attorneys and has already drained her mom's credit card  on previous adventures - and man that adventure was a nightmare.   We are plumb outta cash friends! 

5.  Kitty's Manager - meaning Jennifer Snyder - will have the final creative decision regarding all photoshop, story line, and rights to the final edited photo and story.  You will be given proper credit and the opportunity to make Kitty history.

Thanks for helping Kitty out.  
copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Escape Kitty #37 - Scraps Of Darkness Reveal Day - Feb 2012 -Victoriana

Victoriana - Scraps Of Darkness Kit for Feb 2012. 
Episode #37 Kitty is a Kangaroo Joey?
Welcome to reveal day.  This is Scraps Of Darkness, Victoriana.  It is gorgeous and full of Prima, Glitz and Kaisercraft  goodness.  It also features a handmade cameo pin. 

As Mascot Designer Extraordinaire, (I see she has upgraded herself from just plain 'ol Mascot designer) Kitty is going to help unveil the Feb. kit with more of her down under adventures in Austrailia with her Standard Poodle friend, Chena.  Chena belongs to fellow scrapper, Maggi Harding, in theory only.  As any pet owner will tell ya, it is truely US who are owned.  You can check out Maggi's blog at Scrap travel and Bark. 

But enough of that, let's figure out what excatly is going on here with Miss Kitty. 

To recap just how Kitty and Chena ended up in Australia - Episode #35 has them borrowing a ship and sailing across the seas to Australia.  It's winter in NY and cold.  Kitty prefers summer sun and heat so that's why she picked Australia.  Plus she has some great scrapping pals in the Land Down Under.  What better way than to make a scrap crop trip. 

Sail they did.  Cleverly avoiding the Royal Australian Navy and landing right in front of the Sidney Opera House.  What amazing luck that is, wouldn't you say? 

Chena and Kitty dropped their pirate hats in the sailboat so that they could blend in better on land and explore.  Besides, pirates stick to the sea.  Once on land, the duo become landlubbers.  

After much walking, Kitty and Chena ran into some kangaroos. Once again,  what luck.  Kitty little legs were "dog tired", so she boldly asked if she could snag a ride to where ever the kangaroo happens to be hopping.  Sorry Chena, you're on your own for transportation. 

This is a once in a lifetime shot of Kitty catching a ride in a kangaroo pouch.
Who knows where they will end up.  Maybe only a hop, skip, and a kangaroo jump away, or quite possibly a great leap away.  

At any rate, Kitty's taking a "leap" of faith riding in style. 

This design is based on the Dusty Attic Feb Sketch from Charlotte Jenkins, suepup.  Thanks a million, Charlotte for inspiring and pushing our creativity.  


I used the Dusty Attic Leafy Stems #2 DA0566 here.  I painted them will Adirondack Paint in Willow, then rubbed thhe edges with Tim Holtz Vintage Photo distressing ink. 

Here is another view of the photo.  Unbelievable, I know! 
You'll want to view the rest of the Design Team creations, visit here.
Please check us out and join the fun at Scraps Of Darkness.

Thanks again Maggi for collaborating on this wacky adventure. You can check out Maggi's blog at Scrap travel and Bark.   There are more adventures over there of the duo.

Also want to give a big shout out to Maryanne Sanford for credits on the Kangaroo photo she sent me! Thanks a million. 

Copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Escape Kitty #36 - Pirates Chillaxing at the Beach-Scraps Of Darkness Escape and Dusty Attic

Episode #36 - Pirates Chillaxing at the Beach - Scraps Of Darkness

I'll tell ya, sailing around the world from NY to Australia sure does get a Kitty "dog tired".   She commandeered  a sailboat with her pal Chena - the Standard poodle of fellow scrapper Maggi Harding.  

Commandeer.....you know what that's a nice pretty 50cent word for?   Ohhhhhhh Kitty - say it aint so!
Here have a look for yourself:

commandeer |ˌkämənˈdi(ə)r|
verb [ trans. ]officially take possession or control of (something), esp. for military purposes telegraph and telephone lines were commandeered by the generals.• take possession of (something) without authority he hoisted himself onto a table, commandeering it as a speaker's platform.
You two are taking this pirate thing a little too far.  You are just pretending to be pirates, right?   I am hoping to all hope that the authorities are not on you butt chasing you down.  Last time you tangled with the authorities as you rode over  Niagara Falls in a Barrel, it  cost me big bucks.  
Anyway, here they are chillaxin on the beach, just soaking in some sun rays and meeting new friends. It's cold and windy here at home so enjoy the warmth of Australia.  
Their hats are cute - the skullcap makes Chena look real bad.  A good kind of bad.  Kitty looks all serious here - with what I call her "poker face".  
Wait!  Kitty..... Hold it.  No I didn't say  "Texas hold-em" , I said Hold it.    Kitty?  Please say that you are holding pirate booty and NOT poker chips!

Made with the wonderful warm and fun Scraps Of Darkness Kit, Escape.    The kits are so  versatile that both Kitty and I can each have our own version of scrapping fun.  I tend to enjoy the prettier stuff and Kitty tends to like cat grunge.  It all works!

I also used the ever so wonderful, totally perfect Dusty Attic Chicken Wire Panel DA0177 for this layout. 


Special thanks to Maggi Harding for her continued collaboration and cooperation with Miss Kitty.   Maggi  is usually agreeable to whatever scheme Kitty dreams up.  At least I think she is...maybe Chena doesn't fill her in with the details, but Maggi never says no to the fun.  So, thanks Maggi!

Please check her blog out , Scrap Travel and Bark
Thanks for looking.

Copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder

My Blog hop winner is...............

And the winner of MY blog hop is........................oh random generator thingy who did you pick????

CAROL!!!!!!!!!!!!  woot woot

Here is the random picker thingy.

The Scraps Of Elegance winner can be found by going to our blog here.  Congrats to all winners.  

True Random Number Generator  46Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Scraps Of Elegance Inaugural Kit

If you have come here from  Nancy Hanttula's blog Welcome!

You may know Scraps of Darkness already~~
she is on the edgy and daring side and is always the "pushing the envelope" kit of diversity.

Now we would like to introduce you to her new sister---
"Scraps of Elegance" is the alter ego of her sister club.
Her style is more sweet and romantic ... a true classic beauty

Today is the reveal of our very first "Scraps of Elegance" kit!

We've carefully chosen these beautiful papers from Kaisercraft Sweet Nothings, Websters Pages Western Romance and Melissa Frances 5th Avenue Collection. We have also added some wonderful embellishments and unique vintage items for you to create something beautiful to compliment your most treasured photos.

You can see the full list of kit ingredients on our website.

We are proud and honored to introduce one of the most coveted designers in the industry helping us showoff our new line of kits.

February Guest Designer - Gabrielle Pollacco
You won't want to miss the gorgeous work she's done with this kit!

We know how much you look forward to the sketches our ever talented artist Suepup creates each month for Scraps of Darkness. We are excited to announce she will be designing the sketches for each Scraps of Elegance kit as well!

Now we are sure you don't want to just hear about her sketches so we are pleased to share this months inspirational sketch with you.

We would also like to introduce you to some of the most talented designers in the scrap booking community...

Our 2012 Scraps of Elegance Design Team:
Lisa Novogrodski- Lead Designer
Charlotte Jenkins- Sketch Artist and Designer
Mandy Harrell- Designer
Karen Zueger- Designer
Renea Harrison- Designer

Ooooopps.  Someone left me off then Designer list!  Obviously an oversight on managements behalf.   Trust that me, the great Mascot Designer, Escape Kitty, will sneak off with some of Jennifer's Scraps of Elegance goodies to create something beautiful!  Just scroll down to see.  It didn't take me long to borrow some goodies.  And who can resist? 

We are kicking off the reveal of our first kit by way of a blog hop this month. You can enjoy not only the full reveal but a chance to win an incredible prize!

We will be awarding a THREE MONTH SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SCRAPS OF ELEGANCE KIT CLUB on this blog to one lucky winner!!!!

You win not one, not two but THREE SCRAPS OF ELEGANCE KITS!
The subscription will begin with our March kit and end with our May kit.

Many of our designers are giving away their own prizes on their blogs so there are many chances to win.

Here are the easy steps to win

1  Become a follower of the Scraps of Elegance blog. 
2. Visit each designer and leave a comment on their blogs. 
3. You must become a member of my blog to win my prize of a $15 gift card to Scraps of  Darkness/Scraps of Elegance. 
4. When you have completed the hop, come back to Scraps of Elegance and leave a comment letting us know you have completed the hop and are a follower. 
5. CHECK back here on Feb. 5th to see if you are a winner.  If you win, please leave me an email!

You have until Feb 4rth midnight pacific time to post a comment. Winner will be announced Feb 5th on the Scraps of Elegance blog and here on my blog as well.

International entries are welcome to participate. All international entries are responsible for shipping costs in excess of 15.00USD.

(Each designers will address the eligibility of international participants individually on each of their blogs)

Now let's get started! 

Blog Hop Starts Here!
We warmly welcome you to the first SCRAPS OF ELEGANCE BLOG HOP!

If you have arrived here from Nancy Hanttula's blog ,welcome.  After leaving your comments and signing up to folow me, then your next stop is here, to Charlotte Jenkins blog.

Now for the work!

 This is Escape Kitty's cat brother, StayBehindCat as he waits by the door eagerly waiting for Escape Kitty to return home from her Australian adventure.  I actually think he is interested in any souvenirs that she may bring back for him, but he whole heartedly denies that.  I'm thinkin some exotic catnip mouse or maybe a new scratch post. hmmm?

This was created using the wonderful sketch by Michelle Grant, at Dusty Attic.   She has such a talent for design - thanks Michelle.    The sketch features the soon-to-be released door frame, keyholes and mail box. 

The doorframe has been painted with Adirondack paint in Snow Cap, then in Sandal.  After that, I applied some white gesso onto a stamp and made my way around the doorframe.  I topped with a pretty Melissa Francis resin piece. 

Here, the mailbox was also finished the same way except that I added some delicate flower rub-ons to the mailbox for the garden effect.

Both the mailbox and the doorframe, with keyholes will be released at Dusty Attic soon.  I was lucky and blessed to get these as sneak previews. 

copy write 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder