Who is Escape Kitty?

Let me introduce myself. I am Escape Kitty.

I got my start on Sept 1, 2010 as I was out playing in the yard enjoying the birds and squirrels. Really just minding my own business. Happy. Content. Daydreaming.

When, but in an instant, I caught a movement in the corner of my eye. Since cats are noted for their superior vision, I had to do a double take because I thought my eyesight had failed me. I shut my kitty eyes for a moment and reopened them to disbelief.

A coyote? In MY yard? Could it be? And he's drooling my way? Move move move! Find my mom . Run to safety.

Big mistake! Really big mistake. Now she never lets me outside. Done - left to dream. ahhhhh but Kitty dreams really do come true.

So come follow me! I am off to Escape.

Escape Kitty Posin' It (Photo Gallery)

Episode #17 Escape Kitty ( and Chena) -Over the Falls in a Barrel

You're Really Milking the Anniversary and Birthday Events Kitty!

Happy 100th layout post on Dusty Attic! Celebrate

Episode #38 Escape Kitty and Chena Thank Dusty Attic by Throwing a Party


  1. Thanks so much for all your lovely and funny pics. I am a cat lover and have my Zooky. I love to see cat pics.....

  2. WOW, Kitty I see you have been everywhere!!!!! Spike loves your photos, and reckons yours and his are the best!!!!!
