The great thing about the Scraps of Darkness kit is that it is packed with versatile products that allow you the freedom to create art to fit your mood. This magnificent kit features the papers from:
Prima-Almanac Collection
Websters-In Love
Glitz-French Kiss
Carta Bella-Beautiful Moments
This layout is based on the monthly sketch from
Charlotte Jenkins, suepup. Thanks to Charlotte for her creative mind and helping to set the art process in motion each month for me and countless others.
Listen to all the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's coming from Kitty as she snores up a storm! Escape Kitty's trying to work her way out west. But from time to time, a nap sounds like a great idea. ( Kitty's swears it was the deer's idea.)
In a show of friendship, Kitty offered the deer first picks on napping in the chair. You can also bet Kitty did the happy dance when the deer picked the ground over the chair. Kitty loves to live in the lap of luxury when she can and napping in a chair in the woods sure beats the ground. Remember, we're talkin about Kitty who sleeps in my bed, with her head on my pillow and tucked in with her favorite blankie. (shhhhhhh that's a family secret).
Not saying Kitty can't be rough and tumble. Have you seen her in her biker leather coat? Tough...rough...grungy.
Sweet dreams you big toughie.

The game is played this way:
You must use all five colors in the palette. You must incorporate at least two items from the evidence list into your layout. You must use one item from the testimony list in your journaling.
My evidence consists of the dry embossing circles around the page, a few metal charms, and the upside down leaves.
My Testimony was started with the word listen. We shall all listen to Escape kitty snore as she naps.
Thanks for looking and joining Escape Kitty.
Copyright 2012 Escape Kitty by Jennifer Snyder